Many younger teens and children have been using bath salts to get high in the past few years; as a parent, it should be quite easy to spot the signs of baths salts use, not only because your child will be acting much differently than normal, but because you are closest to them and are going to see the changes in their attitude, performance in school, and overall demeanor. If you do notice changes, and certain signs of baths salts use, you have to make sure you confront them as soon as possible, instead of wait and see if they come to you for help, due to the fact that the use of bath salts, can quickly escalate to the children turning to other drugs, and eventually becoming addicted to various forms of drugs and narcotics, as opposed to just the bath salts.
No matter what kind of signs of baths salts use you notice, it is key to talk to your kids, and if the changes are extremely severe, you may want to consider some type of professional help or some kind of intervention, in order to get them to open up, and talk to those who are qualified in the matter. The sooner you talk to the kids about it, and find them much needed help, the easier it is going to be when you are trying to treat the addiction, and trying to help them get off the use of these salts for the use and purpose of getting high. It is quite easy to spot the differences in attitude, performance in school, lack of motivation, or any other major changes as a parent; and, if you feel your child may be on drugs, or using these bath salts to get high, these are the major signs and changes that you should be looking for, and you should feel confident in reaching out to them and talking to them about the problem.
Whatever the signs of baths salts use are that you do notice, and no matter how minimal they may seem, it can easily lead to something much worse if you do not step up, and confront your child about the problems you are seeing as a parent. By letting them know that you are aware of the issue, and by helping them get the proper assistance and guidance to quit, you will find that the sooner you get to them, and the sooner you talk to them, the easier it is going to be to get them to accept the help, and try to stop using these drugs.
Many signs of baths salts use can lead to even bigger difficulties, and a much bigger addiction problem if it is not taken care of as soon as possible. So, as a parent, even if it is an uncomfortable situation, or you are not sure they are using these salts, you have to open up and talk to your kids, in order to get them the help they need.