One of the most common signs of marijuana use is the extremely red eyes, the fact that the individual is very lazy, and the munchies they will get, after using the drug. These are of course the more common ones that occur with many different users, but there are also other signs of marijuana use that might be noticed in people who are using the drug for recreational purposes and to get high. In order to help the user, and in order to help get them off the destructive drug path they are on, if you do notice any of the signs (as a friend or family member), you have to step in and say something. Whether you choose to do an intervention, or talk to them one on one, you have to make it clear that the signs are noticeable, and that they are really harming themselves and those around them, by the continual use of the drugs.
Some of the other signs of marijuana use you are going to notice may include: the loss of memory or inability to retain small amounts of information, the fact that the individual is not fully aware, missed appointments, they are going to forget very important things, and the feeling of extreme happy turning to sad or anger, in a matter of seconds. Although the signs are not going to be the same in every single case, or with every user, these are some of the things that will easily be noted if you truly know the person. You can easily tell they are using drugs, and it will be very simple to spot, due to the extreme changes that are going to take place to their personality, and to the entire being and the way they communicate with you, and people outside of the home.
No matter what signs you do notice, or how often they are noticed, it is critical to step in as a family member or as a friend, so that you can help the individual who is overdosing and using drugs. Although they might not see it, it is ruining their lives, and if you do not step in, and if you do not help them get the much needed treatment and rehab that is needed to quit, the drugs are eventually going to consume their lives, and they will do much more than just change their mood. Users will lose relationships, friends, employment, and loss of life is always a possibility, when there is heavy use of drugs involved.
Noticing the signs of marijuana use is the first thing that has to be done, if you truly want to help those who are closest to you in getting over their addiction. The sooner you step in, and the sooner you confront them about the problem and the addiction they are dealing with, the easier it is going to be to get them to agree to go in to rehab, and have the problem immediately solved by the professionals.