As a parent, knowing what the signs of spice use (synthetic marijuana or k2), is something you have to be fully aware of, if you want to help your kids in fighting this addiction. As with bath salts, spice is very commonly abused by younger teens, and those who are in their early 20s. Due to the fact that it is cheap, gives them a quick high, and is easy to get a hold of, many teens will turn to this, as opposed to other street drugs, which are more expensive, and much harder for them to get their hands on. Some of the common signs of spice use are loss of memory and change of attitude; some kids will also start doing poorly in school, hanging out with the wrong crowds, or may even develop an addiction for other drugs, which is generally what may tip you off to this abuse they are dealing with.
As a parent, noting the signs of spice use, and making sure you confront your teen right away, is the only way for you to truly help them with their problem and addiction. Since they are not going to approach you and ask you for help, you have to approach them, and you have to be inquisitive. Whether they answer or not, you have to make sure you get them to let you know what they are using, and if not, you can consider some type of intervention, so that a professional can get it out of them. Either way, the sooner you notice the use, and the sooner you talk to them about it, the easier it is going to be for you to help them get past the abuse, and the easier it is going to be on you as a parent, when you are trying to help them fight the tough addiction they are dealing with.
Many teens will turn to spice or other drugs due to peer pressure; so, if you do notice the signs of spice use, you have to ask questions. The more you inquire as a parent, the more you are going to get out of them, and the easier things will be when you are trying to solve the problem. If you just ignore it, not only is it going to remain a big problem in their life, but this abuse will continue, and others will develop, which can be far worse on their health, and on their life in general.
Regardless of which signs of spice use you do notice, you must confront the child as soon as possible, and you must get the answers out of them as quickly as possible. In doing so, not only will you be helping them fight with and deal with the addiction, but you are also going to be able to help them get through a tough time in their life, when they are dealing with various pressures from friends, and might not know how to say no to these pressures.